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DHV Admin features
Updated over a week ago

This section is designed to help you understand and maximize the powerful features available in DHV Admin. Whether you're managing multiple users, customizing settings, or overseeing system operations, we've got you covered. Below, you'll find a series of videos that walk you through the key tools and functionalities, making it easier to administer and control your DHV system efficiently. Dive in to learn more and streamline your management experience!

Reset Collaborate Password

Hunt Group Ring Order Settings

Hunt Group Overflow Options

Apply Voicemail for a Hunt Group

Apply Voicemail for a User

Apply a Divert to any Call Group

Apply a Divert for a User

VoIP Scheduling

Uploading a New Audio File

Video Transcript

In this tutorial we will be uploading a new audio file to the cloud platform so it’s important to know that you must have a file ready on your desktop or within your local PC to upload to cloud platform. The second important note is that the audio file must be in a particular format – the format is “.wavulaw”. So “.wavulaw” and there are many online converters or local programmes which can do this conversion for you.

So in this example we’re going to upload a new audio file to an auto attendant.

*Hover over “Call Groups” and click on “Auto Attendant”*

We’re going to use the example “Main Menu” auto attendant. Click “Edit” on the right-hand side.

In the tab marked “Audio”, so the fourth sub tab from the left, click that.

*Click “Audio”*

Currently we have an audio file which is labelled “February 2021” so we’re going to upload a new file, click “Change”.

Then click “Browse”.

And we’re going to upload “March 2021”.

*Select the file you wish to upload*

Click “Open”.

See the detail here and then click “Save”.

If it’s been successful you will have a banner similar to this and equally you will see the new file name in this location.

If the platform detects the audio file was incorrect it will equally let you know in this banner here so just double check that the format is in “.wavulaw” and retry the upload.

Changing Opening Times

Video Transcript

In this tutorial, I’m going to talk about changing opening times so I will be amending a particular schedule. So our schedules are built using the Hunt Group feature. Hunt Groups are within the “Call Groups” groups and then “Hunt Group”.

*Hover over “Call Groups” and click on “Hunt Group”*

So you may be thinking hunt group is a way of distributing calls, why are we editing schedule within hunt group? So the reason for this is that a hunt group does have an inbuilt feature where you can upload a series of schedules into it and you can dictate where I want calls to route to within a particular time period and then I can give a default routing for calls. So here we have a hunt group labelled “Open Check” and we’re going to edit it. It will all become clear in a moment.

*Click “Edit”*

So let’s talk about our default call routing.

*Click “Options” tab*

So all of my calls, I’m going to send to extension 701 so this can be an option menu for example an auto attendant. So at the moment anything that hits this hunt group, all calls are going to 701. So I want to tell the cloud platform that in certain time periods or certain dates I want calls to go to another destination such as closed message. So I want a schedule to be built to push calls say early morning, late afternoon and evening and then weekends to a closed message and that closed message will have another extension number. So 701 is our default routing, so that’s our open routing and the closed routing is going to be under “Advanced Settings” so the far right-hand tab.

*Click “Advanced Settings”*

So we use the schedule within a virtual package, you’ll see the radio button as being “on”. The schedule here is green, meaning it’s going to be clickable, it’s currently activated and I’m going to edit the schedule here.

*Click “Edit”*

So we have another different extension number 702 routes to a closed message. So just to reiterate, 701 is our open routing 702 we’re going to dictate as our closed routing, our closed message. So closed hours is labelled here and I have a little pencil icon.

*Click the pencil icon*

And I have a series of events here.

*Click the “Events” tab*

So I need to dictate to the cloud platform when calls are to hit that closed message. So it’s going to be early morning, late afternoon and evening and then the weekend. So I click “Edit” on the AM. Currently all of my calls will continue hitting the closed message up until 10:00am so I’m going to edit this so that calls will start to come through as of 9:00am so remember we’re trying to push calls to follow a schedule outside of normal routing so my non-normal routing is early morning, late afternoon and evening and weekends.

*Choose your hours from the drop-down lists*

So click “Update”.

I’m just going to have a look at all of our other entries.

*Click “Edit” on PM*

Here from 6:00 PM to midnight, again, office isn’t open.

*Click the “Events” tab and click “Edit” on Weekends*

And equally weekends you have a button tick box saying all calls are to push to this closed message extension 702 during the weekend.

*Click the “X” in the top right-hand corner of the box*

And that’s it. Click “Save” at the bottom just to be sure and you’ve edited a schedule for the cloud platform.

Adding and Removing Users

Video Transcript

In this tutorial we’re going to cover adding and removing users. So take the scenario where someone has left the company and you have a new starter so you’ll need to edit certain accounts.

Under the tab labelled “Users”, click “List Users” and this details everyone that’s underneath this particular company. So I’ve got two pages of entries. If I click “Page 2”, we’re going to remove Richard and we’re going to add Sandra his place.

So if we’re going to remove Richard, there’s a tick box on the left hand side.

*Click in the tick box*

Click “Delete Selected”.

*Click “Confirm”*

And when I click “Add”, it’s gonna talk me through how to add Sandra. So first I need to select the site, there’s only one and I need to give a “First Name” and a “Last Name”. These are mandatory, equally the “Username” is mandatory. And I have state an “Email Address”. This email address is important as the credentials for this user will be sent through in terms of the passwords access the user portal and if there’s any soft clients being used on mobile apps, there will be individual passwords for those and this email address will receive all of those credentials.

Click “Create and Continue”.

I will need to assign Sandra a telephone number and an extension so Richard previously was using this top one “7404” and had the extension of 250 so I can use the exact same details if Sandra is going to be joining Richard’s Department and maybe actually taken over his role so you want to keep a bit of continuity so no calls are lost and Sandra will just be continuing from Richard’s role or I can give Sandra some completely new details. I’m going to do the latter. So I’m going to slip the second radio button here “7405”.

*Select the number you wish to use*

It will automatically populate the extension as the last three or four digits of the telephone number. So I’m going to edit this and I’m going to give Sandra extension 251.

*Enter the extension number into the “Extension” field.

Click “Continue”.

“Assign Services” is all of the licences attributed to the account so by default is going to give a premium licence and I can detail what bolt-ons I want to give Sandra. So in this scenario she is going to be part of a call centre.

*Select “Call Centre Agent”*

She will be answering mainstream calls.

*Click “Save and Continue” and “Confirm”*

We need to give certain permissions if I want to, so “Call Forwarding” yes I want to give Sandra call forwarding permissions.

*Toggle “Call Forwarding” to “On”*

She doesn’t need “Advanced Call Setup”. She doesn’t need to change the telephone number presentation. She can select whether she’s out of office or busy so there’s particular preset “Profiles”.

*Toggle “Profiles” to “On”*

And yes she may be working outside of the office so “Remote Office” is a feature, I’m going to give her that.

*Toggle “Remote Office” to “On”*

Click “Continue” and then I’m going to give her handset, yes each handset has a unique identifier and this is the Mac address so this one ends “51F2” so I’ll know to give Sandra that device from our stock.

So I’m going to click “Finish and Show List”. So Sandra should be on page 2.

*Click “Page 2”*

There she is, so once her account is set up she’ll start receiving credentials to the email address that we’ve specified.

And there you go, that’s an example of removing a user and adding a user and the process of giving certain permissions and editing certain criteria.

How to Use Click to Dial

Video Transcript

Hello and welcome to a brief tutorial on the click-to-dial functionality within Gamma Horizon’s integrator tool. I’m going to demonstrate installing the software, what details you’ll need (I.E., the username and password, where to find those) the configuration of mem… within integrator itself, and then showing you how to initiate a click-to-dial using a telephone number and what it does. Okay let’s get started.

So, what you should have received either directly or via your administrator is a username and password, and they’re typically going to be within two emails, sent separately. I’ve got these preloaded in the bottom left corner of the screen. Opening them up, it’s going to contain a username in the first email and also a download link for the software. The second email is going to contain the password, it’s quite a lengthy one, a mix of letters and numbers. It is strongly advised to download this .xe file and then run it as an administrator. So, once it’s downloaded – just to give an example – it typically comes up in the downloads function, your administrator may do this for you or have another location where the .xe files are downloaded to. It will come up saying Horizon Integrator, normally about 162 megabytes in file size. The version number can differ depending on the rollouts which Gamma Horizon do push down and to initiate the installation as administrator, you right click, and you want the one which says run as administrator. So, in this demo I’ve already installed this, but upon initiating this install it’s just a case of clicking next and acknowledging the terms and conditions. It will have a little green bar go across; it normally takes about 5 minutes to install completely. It may look as if it has stalled several times, but just leave it to complete, it will finalise dependent on the performance of your PC.

How to configure:

What you’ll eventually have is the application will install and it won’t appear as an icon at the bottom, but what it will do on the bottom right-hand side of Windows, on the task bar, there’s a little white arrow that says ‘show hidden icons’, and you’re going to be looking for this grey or white square. When you hover over it, it does actually say Horizon Integrator. So, when you see it, right-click and there’s a menu at the bottom called ‘configuration’. Single click that and it will come up with a sub window, and this is where it’s asking you for the username and password. This telephony area. This is where we go back to our original two emails and just copy and paste the username and password. So, there’s the username, here’s the password. Just make sure that there’s no white spaces either side of the username. The password you won’t know until you click save and it will tell you if the password is incorrect. You can always have it re-sent by your administrator or a Premier Choice representative if it’s been a while between the point of you configuring integrator and the point that you received the emails initially.

So, if you click ‘save’, it comes up with a little warning saying ‘application restart’, that’s absolutely fine. Click ‘OK’ and what we’re looking for in the bottom right-hand corner is that same square, but instead of it being grey or white, you’ll want it to turn green. So, it will close down, then it will open itself, then we’ve got the acknowledgement that it’s Horizon Integrator in purple, but here’s the icon in green, that’s what we want. So, we right-click that – again go back to configuration and the areas for click-to-dial are on the left-hand side under the general category. There’s one called dialling. We want these three tick boxes to be ticked. So, we’ve got click board dialling, application dialling and focus dialling. Then click ‘save’ and it will come up with a little notification saying it’s applying the settings, fantastic, that’s what we want.

While it’s sorting itself out, one amendment you’ll need to complete from the Windows side, so if you go to the bottom right to the notification area of Windows 8 or Windows 10, there’s a feature in Windows called ‘Focus Assist’. It’s going to be here, and it comes up with a little moon icon – that’s the setting that we need it to be in. We need Focus Assist to be off so that it doesn’t conflict with Integrator. So, if you click this several times, if it is on a different setting just keep on clicking it until you see it has off. That’s what we want.

How to use with Google Chrome:

Okay, so that’s the configuration done on Integrator, that’s a small tweak done on Windows and it’s worth mentioning that the web browsers, if you have any web browsers – Google Chrome or Internet Explorer – open, close those before you complete this installation. I had those open on the bottom left, purely for the purposes of the demo. But it is highly advised to have those closed before you start the integrator installation process and configuration. If you had them open it’s not a problem, just restart Windows before you start using Click to Dial. Okay so let’s try dialling a number, let’s find a number within Google Chrome. I’m going to use our Premier Choice website as an example and the telephone number is here on the right-hand side. With Google Chrome when you hover over the telephone number, it will have a little underline, but when we single click it, it comes up with a little bolt-on called ‘Phone Helper’. This is the one that we want, how it integrates with Horizon Integrator and when we’re going to click this, we’re going to hear the Cisco phone which is by the side of me initiate that call. I’m not dialling on the phone myself I’m just going by the web browser, made that clear now, and equally you’re going to see on the top right-hand corner of the Windows screen you’re going to have a little additional window come up, which says the telephone number, and it gives a little bit of call functionality at the bottom. A few green icons and a red icon to hang up the call, so I’m going to initiate it, you’re going to hear the closed message from Premier Choice and then I’m going to end the call. So, let’s see what happens… So that’s the Cisco phone dialling… that’s our close message. We’ve got a few icons here, green. Well actually they’re blue not green, but here’s the red one to hang up the call. So that’s what we’re after. This demonstrates that that integrator has been signed into with a valid username and password, it’s been configured correctly, and it’s allowed me to initiate a call from the web browser.

How to use with Internet Explorer:

So, let’s minimise Google Chrome and let’s open up Internet Explorer, and this is slightly different compared to Chrome. When you hover over it, it doesn’t have a blue line, but you will notice that the cursor does change. From a normal cursor icon, we’ve got a little hand. That’s indicating that the number can be pressed, it is a link, it will initiate Click to Dial. On some Internet Explorer settings it may come up with a little security warning saying that ‘Phone Helper’ the bolt-on you saw on Google Chrome is also trying to be used with Internet Explorer. That’s perfectly normal, just click ‘allow’ and upon clicking this it’s going to do exactly the same thing. It’s initiated a call from the Cisco handset and now I’ve got the little sub-window here. And I’m just going to terminate that one and minimise IE.

So, there you go. We’ve demonstrated how to install integrator, where we find the username and password via those emails, the three tick boxes which are the crucial ones to configure Click to Dial, disabling Focus Assist, and a brief demonstration using Google Chrome and Internet Explorer, how we find a number, dial it, don’t have to touch the handset console, we are just using the mouse on Windows to initiate that call.

Okay, that’s all for now, thank you very much for watching.

How to Program Bank Holiday Dates

Video Transcript

Hello and welcome to a quick tutorial – how to add Bank Holiday dates into Gamma Horizon.

Once you’ve logged into your Gamma Horizon admin portal you’ll need to navigate to “Call Groups” and then “Hunt Group”.

You’ll typically see a list of all of the Hunt Groups on your account and the one you’ll be looking for is the one labelled Bank Holiday. It will normally have a telephone number, normally your mainline number of the premises listed here and you’ll want to click “Edit” on the right-hand side.

Go all the way to the right where it says “Advanced Settings”, single click.

You will see four options here and you’ll want to click “Edit” against the one which says “Schedule”. Scroll all the way down to the bottom where you have “Closed Hours” and have a drop-down called “Bank Holidays” and you’ll see a little Pencil Icon, single click that.

This will detail all of the Bank Holiday dates which are currently programmed on your account. So to acquire a list, click “Events”. This will list all of the existing Bank Holiday dates on the Gamma Horizon account. For example, if I wanted to add Christmas 2020, I’ll click “Add” at the bottom, give it a [name]. It’s going to be an all-day event so leave that ticked. The start date of course is going to be the 25th of December, and the end date is going to be the same. Click “Create”. You’ll see that listed at the bottom.

If you wanted to remove said date, single click the tick box, click “Delete”, and then click “Confirm”.

If you wanted to add more than one Bank Holiday date consecutively, for example Christmas and Boxing Day, click “Add”, give it an appropriate name, and then we’re going to go over to the 28th of December for 2020. Click “Create” and similar to the original example it will add it at the bottom.

And there you have it, you have added Bank Holiday dates into your Gamma Horizon account – this would allow for calls to reach a Bank Holiday message instead of following normal routing.

Activate & Edit PLT Periods for NHS Surgeries & Medical Practices

Video Transcript

Welcome to this quick tutorial on how to activate and deactivate Protected Learning Time Periods on the cloud platform for NHS Surgeries and Medical Practices. What you will need to go to once you have signed in to the administrator login is go to ‘Call Groups’ and then ‘Hunt Group’. ‘Hunt Group’ is a feature we use to control scheduling and ad hoc call forwarding. What you’ll need to do is locate one that says ‘PLT Check’, and this may be abbreviated as ‘TC’ so ‘Time Control’. Once you’ve found that, click ‘Edit’ on the right-hand side. Once that’s opened up, you’ll then need to go to the furthest right-hand side tab called ‘Advanced Settings’ so click that. So we’re going to go through two methods.

Method One

The first method is to manually apply your PLT message and then manually deactivate it. We do this by using the ‘Call Forwarding’ feature. On the left-hand side you’ll see a status. If it’s green that means it’s currently active so at the moment we are following an automatic schedule. At the moment the call forward isn’t active. So, what we are actually doing is we are forwarding calls, so deviating away from the normal call routing and we’re going to force calls to go to a certain extension. This internal extension holds a message – the message will be the PLT message. So if we just have a quick look at this. If we click ‘Edit’ we see that the planned call forward is going to go to internal extension 706. So what I’m going to do, we’re going to activate that. So say it’s come to 12:30 and the PLTs have started, we will click ‘Activate’. Inbound calls from this point onwards, will now hit that message. If we’ve come to the end of the training, so the close of the business day, the close of surgery hours, and we want to deactivate that training message so that we want normal call routing to be applied, we need to click the ‘Activate’ button against the schedule. You need to have at least one call forwarding or schedule activated at any one time.

Method Two

So, this leads us on to method number two. Method number two is an automatic schedule. This means that you will be planning a PLT period in advance, you get to put a date in. So if you click ‘Edit’ on the right-hand side. If you scroll down you’ll still see this internal extension number 706. You’ll then see you get to have a drop down and apply a schedule. So this one’s called ‘PLT Closed’. If we click the pencil icon, and then go to ‘Events’ you’ll see at the moment we have a PLT date for May booked in. Let’s have a look at this. Click ‘Edit’ and you’ll see the 13th of May 2020 is currently applied. What we can do, is we can apply a further date or we can even delete this date, this is last year’s PLT. So what we’ll do is we’ll go to ‘Events’, we’re going to get rid of this PLT and delete it. We’re going to add a new one. So, we’re going to apply April the 12th. So here is your start and end dates, it comes up with a nice little calendar quite handy, so the 12th. It’s not going to be an all day event so untick that and this allows us to select a time, so our times are going to be 12:30 to 18:30. It won’t be recurring. We can give this a name, we’re going to call this ‘April 2021 PLT’ and then click ‘Create’. We could add further dates if we wanted to, but for this automatic schedule I don’t have to do anything, I have already pre-planned that on the 12th April between 12:30 and 18:30, a PLT period and message will be active. So, if I come out of that, and just click ‘Save’ at the bottom and it will tell me that all of the settings have been conducted successfully.

And there you go, two methods – one is to apply PLT manually and the other is to schedule.

Changing Auto Attendant Options

Video Transcript

Welcome to a quick tutorial on how to change an auto attendant option. So as a reminder, an auto attendant is a group feature within Gamma Horizon. It has an audio file uploaded to it and it’s instructing the inbound caller to select an option on their keypad to route to a particular destination. For example, I could call in and the audio file which plays instructs the inbound caller to press option one for Technical Support or option two for Sales.

So auto attendants are under “Call Groups” and “Auto Attendant” – the very top one on the list.

*Hover over the “Call Groups” tab and then click “Auto Attendant”*

In this tutorial we’re going to change an option which is under the “Main Menu” auto attended labelled here. Click “Edit” on the right-hand side and then click “Menu Options” on the second sub-tab. We have numerous options here going to certain destinations so it will route to an internal extension. An internal extension can be a user or a group feature. The group feature typically is a call distribution feature such as a hunt group, a call queue or call centre. So this example I’m going to change option 6. This currently routes to extension 521. So I’m going to find extension 521, and I’m going to search under “Hunt Group”.

*Hover over the “Call Groups” tab and then click “Hunt Group”*

Go to page number two. And here is extension 521. It’s currently coming through to “Test Hunt Group 1”. I’m going to route this through to “Test Hunt Group Number 2” so the new extension I need to save under option 6 is extension 522. So I’m going to go back to “Call Groups” and then “Auto Attendant”, find “Main Menu” again here, click “Edit” on the right-hand side, click “Menu Options”, and option number 6 here, 521, I’m going to put 522. And at the bottom right there is a “Save” button and I’m going to click that.

*Click the “Save” button*

You will have a confirmation banner at the top saying the update has taken effect successfully.

How to Update a Mailbox Password on a Handset Flexi Key

Video Transcript

Hello and welcome to a brief tutorial on how to update a mailbox password on handset flexi key.

Now, to give a little bit of background as to what this means, Premier Choice configure the Gamma Horizon portal in a particular way when it comes to temporarily changing the call inbound routing. We use a group feature called a hunt group and it’s accompanying voicemail box as a way of implementing call forwards ad-hoc. This can be for training afternoons for example, or emergency scenarios where the normal call routing needs to be deviated away from and a new message needs to play instead. These mailboxes do have a password, and these passwords expire at intervals due to security. So, this tutorial will talk through how to set a temporary password on the mailbox, how to set a permanent password, and then how to update the flexi key on a handset so the auto-login ability is restored. Now, you’ll know when the auto-login ability has been disrupted when you go to press the flexi key and it comments via an automated message that the password is incorrect. So, this tutorial will talk you through how to alleviate that. Let’s get started.

The first thing we’re going to do, is to temporarily set a password on the mailbox. You’ll need to navigate to the correct hunt group. So, I’m going to click on ‘Call Groups’ and then ‘Hunt Group’ and then I’m going to navigate to my hunt group. I’ve got one that is quite conveniently labelled VM Mailbox Test, for the purpose of this tutorial. I’m going to click ‘Edit’ on the right hand side and the voicemail area is via a tab quite conveniently called Voicemail. Now when you click this, to set the temporary password you must scroll to the bottom and click ‘Change Voicemail Passcode’. In this area here, it’s going to ask for a PIN as a temporary so, just for the purposes of this tutorial, I’m going to put 123456 and then I’m going to replicate that and click ‘Save’. So in doing so, what it’s telling me is that this is actually an incorrect passcode because it doesn’t fall within their security parameters of Horizon. So, let’s pick something a little bit more complex. I’m going to pick 197921 and replicate it and I’m going to click ‘Save’. So this is now telling me that the voicemail PIN has been updated successfully. So that’s part one, I’ve got a temporary password set on my hunt group.

I’ve now got to convert that to a permanent passcode. Now, the way we have to do this is we have to login or call into the master voice portal. Now every Horizon deployment has a master portal, it’s also got a telephone number associated with it, along with an internal extension. Now to get to this area, you go to ‘Administration’ followed by ‘Voice Portal’. Here is my external telephone number I can call into and here is the internal extension number if I did have a Gamma handset already and I can just dial the three digits associated with my deployment. So what I need to do is I’m going to call into either of these numbers and change the passcode. Okay, so for the purposes of this tutorial I’ve changed my passcode, I’ve now converted it to 197922.

So what I now need to do, is I now need to notify my flexi key or my handset that the passcode has changed. This will restore the auto-login ability. So what I need to do is go to ‘Users’ and find my handset which has this flexi key. I do have a test handset here, and I’m going to click ‘Edit’ on the right hand side. To edit the flexi keys you go to the ‘Phone’ tab, followed by ‘Device Customisation’ followed by ‘Line Keys’. It gives a little outline as to what the handset looks like on the display, and here is my voicemail key, my auto-login. I’m going to click that button and it opens up a little sub-window and I’m going to put my permanent password in here. So I’m going to put 197922 and then click ‘Save’. And in doing so what it will force the handset to do is it will reboot the handset twice. So to trigger this click ‘Save’.

I would advise doing this when it’s a convenient, quieter period. It’s also worth mentioning that normally there are multiple handsets which have these flexi keys configured, so it’s not typically just one handset. So, you’ll need to navigate via the Gamma Horizon portal as we’ve just gone through via ‘Users’, ‘List Users’, and update the flexi keys with the permanent passcode.

So there you go, when you go to use the flexi key on the handset, just by a single press it will now auto login as opposed to coming up with the system announcement that the passcode is invalid!

Change Hold Music

Video Transcript

In this tutorial we’ll be covering music on hold and how to change the audio. So this particular feature is under “Site Management”.

*Click on the “Site Management” tab*

Select “Manage” against the relevant site and the “Music On Hold” feature is here in the centre. Click the blue button. So it’s split into three sections. You have settings at the top and then you can dictate to the cloud platform whether you want the hold music to be different in comparison to external calls or internal calls. So here at the top you can tick when you want the hold music to played so you can play it for when an operator places a call on hold, when the call park feature is being utilised or when someone is waiting to be answered.

So in this scenario, I’m going to tick all three and I’m just going to click “Save” for the moment. So the tickboxes have been amended and I’ve got the confirmation banner at the top letting me know that’s been done.

So at the moment we have a custom audio file for external calls, it’s called “Existing Hold Music 2020” and it has to be in a particular format. The format is “.wavulaw”. So that’s “.wavulaw”.

So hold music has to be uploaded as a custom audio file, there isn’t a drop down to select certain pre-made audio files, you have to upload custom one so you have to ensure that there’s the relevant permissions for this file, that it doesn’t breach any Copyright and if you need to acquire a PRS licence please do so.

We’re going to leave the internal calls here the bottom using the default hold music.

So I’m going to change this file here to a 2021 version. So click “Change” and then click “Browse”.

I’m just going to navigate within my PC where that new audio file is. So once you selected it, click “Save” and you’ll know the file has taken effect as it has the new name here and it’s told me again that my settings have been amended successfully.

Adding & Removing Numbers from a Blacklist

Video Transcript

In this tutorial we’re going to cover adding numbers to a block list so trying to prevent nuisance callers from coming through to users.

So I’m going to go into our “Users” tab and click “List Users”.

We’re going to take the scenario where Sandra has been receiving nuisance calls so we want to find a way of adding telephone numbers into a block list.

So let’s go to page number 2.

*Click “Page 2”*

Here’s Sandra. I’m going to click “Edit” against her account. So the feature we intend to use is going to be under “Call Setup” and the feature itself is labelled “Blacklist” so let’s click that.

*Click the “Call Setup” tab and then select “Blacklist” from the left-hand menu*

So at the moment the feature isn’t being used so we’re going to first add the telephone number so let’s pick a random telephone number to start off with, just to give an example.

*Enter the telephone number you wish to block*

Let’s click “Add”. You’ll know as soon as a telephone number is within that list, it will allow me to put the radio button to “On” and then click “Save”.

So if this telephone number is recognised of calling inbound and reaching Sandra’s account or Sandra’s extension, device etc. it will prevent that caller from being successful and maybe an engaged tone being heard, a busy tone.

If we find that this number is now legitimate, there is a little Discard Icon on the right-hand side. Click that, click “Save” and that number is no longer blacklisted.

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